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Sigma Bonds
2015, aluminum, silicon rubber, 64 x 30 in each
Sigma Bonds
2015, aluminum, silicon rubber, 64 x 30 in each
Resting Time
2015, coal dust, resin, steel
Resting Time
2015, coal dust, resin, steel
2014, fabric, aqua resin, 50 x 50 x 10 in
Recycling Pattern
2014, silicone, sand
Recycling Pattern
2014, silicone, sand
dream catcher
2014, steel, silicon rubber, bronze powder
2014, alabaster, urethane resin
Paralell Doubt
2014, steel, alabaster, urethane resin
falling asleep at every corner
2014, steel, platinum silicon rubber
falling asleep at every corner
2014, steel, platinum silicon rubber
goody bag
2013, pumice, urethane resin, pigment
2013, fiber glass, resin
Against Velocity
2013, cement, heating lamp
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