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An arbitrary movement, without a purpose or a plan, takes on many different forms. One of them, dérive, was described by Guy Debord as "a mode of experimental behavior linked to the conditions of urban society: a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances." There is an immanent randomness characterizing this passage. Drunkard's Walk is a contemplation of such movement. The title itself is derived from the book: The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives, a popular science book written by a physicist Leonard Mlodinov. It refers to a mathematical pattern of movement called "Levy walk", named after French mathematician Paul Levy, which describes a pattern found in food-scouring techniques of diverse number of species like sharks, honeybees and spider monkeys, but also hunter-gatherer humans. It is another type of random movement, in which each successive step is chosen randomly and is uninfluenced by any previous move.

This installation consists of one continuous line made in glass tubing filled with water, as an attempt of retracing a movement through a space as well as through time, with the randomness as a point of examination. 

Drunkard's Walk
2018, Glass tubes, water, water pump, resin, coal, sand, rock.

Ewa Słapa 2024

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